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1. Short description
CPAY is a decentralized infrastructure for crypto payments and crypto wallets. Its aim is to empower users to create checkouts for crypto payments, as well as create and manage crypto wallets, with seamless integration into external platforms. This builds a safe and decentralized crypto financial ecosystem.
2. Authorization
2.1 Registration
Registration is available in 4 ways:
- By email;
- By phone number;
- By Google account;
- By Metemask wallet.
Conditions and Features:
- Registration via Google account can be a login if this Google account is already registered;
- Registration via Metamask wallet can be a login if this Metamask account is already registered.
List of possible errors during registration:
- Password must contain at least 8 characters, 1 uppercase letter and 1 digit;
- Email is not in the correct format;
- This user already exists.
Feature set:
- Inputting e-mail;
- Inputting phone;
- Inputting password;
- Password strength scrollbar;
- Infoblock;
- Sign up button;
- Back arrow;
- Log in link;
- Sign up with Google;
- Sign up with Metamask.
2.2 Login
Login is available in 4 ways:
- by email;
- by phone number;
- by Google account;
- by Metemask wallet.
Conditions and Features:
- Login via Google account can be registration if that Google account is not already registered;
- Login via Metamask wallet can be registration if that Metamask wallet is not already registered.
List of possible errors during registration:
- E-mail or password is not correct.
Feature set:
- inputting e-mail;
- inputting phone;
- inputting password;
- back arrow;
- sign in button;
- Forgot password? link;
- sign up link;
- Google 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2fa inputting;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- submit button.
2.3 Password recovery
Password recovery is available in 2 ways:
- by e-mail;
- be mnemonic phrase.
Conditions and Features:
- user can't send a password recovery email to an email that is not registered.
List of possible errors during registration:
- Email is not in the correct format;
- Email is not registered;
- Wrong backup or user not found;
- Words must contain at least 12 elements;
- Passwords should match;
- Passwords must contain at least 8 characters, 1 uppercase letter and 1 digit.
Feature set:
- Inputting email for password restore by email;
- Send password button;
- Reset password button;
- Inputting email for password restore by mnemonic phrase;
- New password field;
- Confirm New Password field;
- Mnemonic phrase field.
User scenario 1 - password recovery via email:
- The user opens recovery form via email;
- The user enters an email and clicks on the Send button;
- The user opens the link on the specified email
- The user enters a new password;
- The user logs into the system.
User scenario 2 - password recovery via mnemonic phrase:
- The user opens recovery form via mnemonic phrase;
- The user enters email;
- The user enters password;
- The user enters mnemonic phrase;
- The user click on the “Reset password” button;
- The user logs into the system.
3. Navigation by application
3.1 Header
Feature set:
- CPAY logo;
- Buy/sell crypto;
- Network switcher;
- Account switcher;
- User’s profile.
3.2 Home page
Feature set:
- Sidebar;
- Total balance in BTC and USD;
- Send:
- Choose currency list;
- Wallet address list;
- External wallet radiobutton;
- Internal wallet radiobutton;
- Send to input;
- Amount input;
- MAX button;
- Exchange rate in USD;
- Submit button;
- Upload autosign;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Google 2FA inputting.
- Receive:
- Choose currency list;
- Choose wallet address list;
- QR-code;
- Copy address button;
- Ok button.
- Swap;
- Filter by currency:
- Hide zero balances ability;
- Currency name;
- Wallet address;
- Currency balance;
- Currency balance in USD;
- QR-code.
- Checkouts page link;
- Documentation link;
- Book a call;
- Join discord hub link;
- Transactions block:
- Transaction type;
- Transaction date and time;
- Transaction status;
- Transaction sum;
- Payment ID - transaction identifier in CPAY;
- Name - customer's name;
- E-mail - customer's e-mail;
- To - wallet to which funds are sent;
- From - wallet from which funds are sent;
- Miner Fee in cryptocurrency and fiat currency;
- System Fee in cryptocurrency and fiat currency;
- clickId;
- Transaction hash;
- IncomingHash - transaction hash of replenishment of the account's client wallet;
- contract Address;
- method;
- arguments;
- Show multisend addresses.
- Search by address and hash;
- Transactions sorting by:
- newest on top;
- oldest on top;
- transaction type.
- Ability to upload a list of transactions.
3.3 Accounts page
Feature set:
- List of accounts:
- Account name;
- Type of network;
- Creation date;
- Button to account wallets page;
- Button to client wallets page.
- Account creation:
- Account name;
- Account currency;
- Miner Fee for withdrawal pays;
- Miner Fee for replenishment pays;
- Account fee for withdrawal;
- Account fee for replenishment;
- Fee’s documentation;
- Account network;
- Create button;
- Cancel button.
- Account editing:
- Payment methods;
- Miner Fee for withdrawal pays;
- Miner Fee for replenishment pays;
- Account fee for withdrawal;
- Account fee for replenishment;
- Fee’s documentation;
- Generate new API keys button;
- Public key;
- Private key;
- Account name;
- Account’s network;
- Callback Url;
- Your domain.
- Checkouts custom domain instruction;
- Recurring billing custom domain instruction;
- Security:
- Whitelist IP input;
- Add whitelist IP button;
- Origin input;
- Add origin button;
- User Agent input;
- Submit button.
- Auto swap:
- Create new button;
- Name of rule input;
- You send list;
- You get list;
- Minimum amount in USD input;
- Sender’s wallet list;
- Destination wallet list;
- Submit button;
- Edit icon;
- Delete icon.
- Outgoing Webhooks:
- ID;
- Type;
- Time;
- Requests;
- Status;
- View data;
- Search by hash;
- Filter by type;
- Filter by status.
Conditions and Features:
- Maximum available number of accounts - 5.
3.4 Wallets page
There are two types of wallets in the system: account wallets and client wallets. Account Wallet is a wallet that accepts funds from client wallets. Roughly speaking, this is the wallet of the business owner. Client Wallet is a wallet that is created when a customer pays for a product or service.
Feature set:
- List of wallets:
- Wallet address;
- Wallet balance;
- Wallet balance in USD;
- Wallet date of creation;
- Autosign status;
- Password status:
- Set up password form;
- Password input;
- Confirm password input;
- Cancel button;
- Create button;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Google 2FA inputting.
- Wallet status:default or secondary (secondary only for account wallet);
- Search by address;
- Currency filter;
- Newest on top and oldest on top.
- Wallet creation:
- New:
- Choose currency list;
- Set as default checkbox;
- Set password checkbox;
- Password input;
- Confirm password input;
- Cancel button;
- Create button.
- Existing:
- Choose currency list;
- Private key radiobutton (only for account wallets);
- Private key field;
- Mnemonic phrase radiobutton;
- Mnemonic phrase field;
- Set as default checkbox;
- Set password checkbox;
- Password input;
- Confirm password input;
- Cancel button;
- Create button.
- New:
- Import token:
- Select network;
- Contract address;
- Import button;
- Name;
- Symbol;
- Decimals;
- Approve button.
- Set as default (only for secondary account wallet);
- Replenish:
- Wallet address;
- QR-code.
- Show private key:
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- Send code button;
- Private key field;
- Show mnemonic phrase:
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- Send code button;
- Mnemonic phrase field.
- Passphrase:
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- Send code button;
- Wallet ID field;
- Passphrase field.
- Enable/Disable autosign:
- Disable/Enable auto signature switcher;
- Password input;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- Download autosign:
- Password input;
- Confirm password input;
- Delete:
- 2FA inputting;
- Delete button;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Phone 2FA inputting.
3.5 Checkouts page
Feature set:
- List of checkouts:
- Checkout image;
- Checkout name and description;
- Checkout type;
- Checkout price (for sale and sale token).
- Transactions (opens all transactions for specify checkout);
- Copy link;
- Duplicate checkout;
- Edit checkout;
- Delete checkout.
- Search by checkout name;
- Create checkout:
- Donation:
- Customer information (full name and email address);
- Next button;
- Back button;
- Organization name;
- Description;
- Payment methods;
- Expire time;
- Upload image;
- Specify image url;
- Create button;
- Checkout link;
- Embed;
- iFrame;
- Click ID;
- Custom domain.
- Sell a product:
- Customer information (full name and email address);
- Next button;
- Back button;
- Product name;
- Description;
- Payment methods;
- Price;
- Fiat currency;
- Expire time;
- Upload image;
- Specify image url;
- Create button;
- Checkout link;
- Embed;
- iFrame;
- Click ID;
- Custom domain.
- Sell currency:
- Customer information (full name and email address);
- Product name;
- Description;
- Payment methods;
- Receive payment;
- Account wallet;
- min and max sum;
- MAX button;
- Fixed or market price;
- Add token button;
- Enter price field;
- Fiat currency;
- Expire time;
- Upload image;
- Specify image url;
- Specify image url;
- Create button;
- Checkout link;
- Embed;
- iFrame;
- Click ID.
- Your domain.
- Cart:
- Customer information (full name and email address);
- Next button;
- Back button;
- Product name;
- Description;
- Payment methods;
- Price;
- Fiat currency;
- Expire time;
- Upload image;
- Specify image url;
- Create button;
- Checkout link;
- Embed;
- iFrame;
- amount and fiatCurrency;
- Click ID;
- Your domain;
- Donation:
- Payment widget:
- Donation:
- Customer details (email address and customer name);
- Checkout name;
- Checkout description;
- Checkout image;
- List of currencies;
- Expire time;
- Back button;
- Link to;
- Amount;
- Currency address;
- Slippage Tolerance;
- Minimum transaction amount;
- QR-code;
- Connect wallet;
- Amount (Success form);
- Exchange rate (Success form);
- Hash (Success form);
- New payment button;
- Language selection.
- Sale:
- Customer details (email address and customer name);
- Checkout name;
- Checkout description;
- Checkout image;
- Checkout price;
- List of currencies;
- Expire time;
- Back button;
- Link to;
- Amount;
- Currency address;
- Slippage Tolerance;
- Minimum transaction amount;
- QR-code;
- Connect wallet;
- Amount (Success form);
- Exchange rate (Success form);
- Hash (Success form);
- New payment button;
- Language selection.
- Sale token:
- Checkout name;
- Checkout description;
- Checkout image;
- You send amount;
- You send currency;
- You get amount;
- You get currency;
- Min amount;
- Max amount;
- Recipient;
- Update rate button;
- Next button;
- Expire time;
- Confirm button;
- Customer details (email address and customer name);
- Amount;
- Currency address;
- Minimum transaction amount;
- QR-code;
- Connect wallet;
- Expire time;
- Statuses;
- You get (Success form);
- Recipient (Success form);
- Hash (Success form);
- Make an exchange button.
- Cart:
- Customer details (email address and customer name);
- Checkout name;
- Checkout description;
- Checkout image;
- Checkout price;
- List of currencies;
- Expire time;
- Back button;
- Link to;
- Amount;
- Currency address;
- Slippage Tolerance;
- Minimum transaction amount;
- QR-code;
- Connect wallet;
- Amount (Success form);
- Exchange rate (Success form);
- Hash (Success form);
- New payment button;
- Language selection.
- Donation:
Conditions and Features:
- After expire time, a new payment widget is generated;
- If for sale token the user sent an amount less than in the Amount field, then he will receive the corresponding number of tokens, but not less than in the min amount field;
- If for the sale token the user sent an amount greater than in the Amount field, then he will receive the corresponding number of tokens, but not more than in the max amount field.
3.6 Withdraw page
Withdraw options:
- From wallet;
- Multisend.
Feature set from wallet:
- Total balance in BTC and USD;
- Filter by currency;
- Currencies balances;
- List of wallets;
- Wallets balance;
- Send button;
- Currency balance;
- Amount;
- Send to;
- External wallet radiobutton;
- Internal wallet radiobutton;
- Exchange rate in USD;
- Amount+Miner Fee+System Fee field;
- Back button;
- Submit button;
- Upload autosign;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Phone 2FA inputting.
Feature set from multisend:
- List of tokens;
- Wallet address;
- Addresses with Amounts;
- Upload file;
- Show examples;
- Next button;
- Total number of addresses;
- Total number of transactions need;
- Approximate costs of miner fee;
- Approximate costs of system fee;
- Total number of tokens to be sent (Allowance);
- Your token balance;
- Your currency balance;
- Back button;
- Confirm button;
- Upload autosign;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Phone 2FA inputting.
3.7 NFTs page
Feature set:
- List of wallets;
- Transaction history;
- List of NFTs:
- NFT name;
- NFT image;
- NFT type;
- NFT balance.
- NFT transfer:
- NFT name;
- NFT image;
- Wallet address;
- Amount;
- Estimate button;
- Upload autosign;
- Confirmation form:
- Address;
- Amount;
- Miner Fee;
- System Fee;
- Total Fee;
- Withdraw button.
3.8 Swap page
Swap CEX tab:
List of pages:
- Swap history;
- Create new swap;
- Summary.
Feature set for swap history page:
- Exchange Id;
- Date;
- Currency;
- Status;
- Partner;
- Type;
- From:
- Wallet;
- PaymentId;
- Amount;
- Hash.
- To:
- Wallet;
- PaymentId;
- Amount;
- Hash.
- Search by Exchange Id and wallet;
- Filter by currency;
- Storing from newest to oldest and vice versa;
- Create new swap.
Feature set for create new swap page:
- You send amount;
- You send currency;
- Max button;
- You send currency balance;
- You get amount;
- You get currency;
- You get currency balance;
- Amount+Miner Fee+System Fee field;
- Change button;
- Change button;
- View offers button;
- Update offers;
- Rate;
- ETA;
- Support rate;
- Partner;
- Trust Score;
- Sort by Rate and ETA;
- Filter by fixed and floating rate.
Feature set for Summary page:
- You send field;
- You get field;
- Exchange rate;
- Partner;
- Type;
- Swap button;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Phone 2FA inputting.
Swap DEX tab:
List of pages:
- Swap history;
- Create new swap;
- Summary.
Feature set for swap history page:
- Exchange Id;
- Date;
- Currency;
- Status;
- Partner;
- Type;
- From:
- Wallet;
- PaymentId;
- Amount;
- Hash.
- To:
- Wallet;
- PaymentId;
- Amount;
- Hash.
- Search by Exchange Id and wallet;
- Filter by currency;
- Storing from newest to oldest and vice versa;
- Create new swap.
Feature set for create new swap page:
- You send amount;
- You send currency;
- Max button;
- You send currency balance;
- You get amount;
- You get currency;
- You get currency balance;
- Change button;
- Change button;
- View offers button;
- Partner;
- Amount;
- Name;
- Exchange button;
Feature set for Summary page:
- You send field;
- You get field;
- Exchange rate;
- Partner;
- Type;
- Swap button;
- Phone 2FA inputting;
- E-mail 2FA inputting;
- Phone 2FA inputting.
3.9 Recurring billing
Feature set:
- List of plans:
- Name;
- Plan photo;
- Subscribers (Active/All);
- Status;
- Period type;
- Price;
- Total;
- Subscriptions:
- Period Type;
- Subscription owner;
- Recurring amount;
- Next Payment Time;
- Last Transaction Hash;
- Name;
- E-mail;
- ClickId;
- Status;
- Cancel subscription button;
- Search.
- Activities:
- Period type;
- Type;
- Recurring amount;
- Last Transaction Hash;
- Owner;
- Search.
- Duplicate plan;
- Edit plan;
- Delete plan.
- Create plan:
- Plan name;
- Description;
- Payee wallet address list;
- Price input;
- Currency list;
- Period type;
- Owner;
- Plan photo;
- Plan logo;
- Background color;
- Accent color;
- Plan Publication Confirmation Form:
- Save as draft button;
- Publish button;
- Publication estimate.
- Deactivate plan;
- Activate plan.
- Link;
- Embed;
- iFrame;
- clickId;
- Custom domain;
- Subscription form:
- One time option;
- Recurring option;
- Name;
- E-mail;
- Total;
- Connect wallet;
- Send button;
- Successful payment form:
- Amount;
- Period type;
- Hash;
- Open subscription info button;
- Subscription info form:
- Subscription info:
- Owner;
- Period type;
- Price;
- Next payment type;
- Plan name;
- Customer name;
- Customer email;
- clickId.
- Subscription History:
- Type;
- HashTx;
- Period type;
- Price.
- Unsubscribe.
- Subscription info:
3.10 Profile page
Feature set:
- Language selection;
- Connect Metamask wallet;
- Disconnect metamask wallet;
- Log out;
- New email;
- First name;
- Last name;
- Current password;
- New password;
- Confirm new password;
- Submit button;
- Confirm E-mail;
- Send link button;
- Submit button;
- Enable E-mail 2FA button;
- Disable E-mail 2FA button;
- Enable Google 2FA button;
- QR-code;
- 2FA key;
- Authenticator Code;
- Cancel button;
- Disable Google 2FA button;
- Enable Phone 2FA button;
- Disable Phone 2FA button;
- Start backup button;
- Word 1,2…n field;
- Got it button;
- Do it later button;
- Done button;
- NFT support;
- Subscriptions:
- Click to opt out and stop receiving further marketing emails or communications from us. We appreciate your understanding and respect your preferences;
- Click to stop receiving email notifications related to account activities, including Replenish, Withdrawal, Swap and Token sales. By unsubscribing, you will no longer receive updates for these events.
- Update subscriptions button.
3.11 Footer
Feature set:
- CPAY logo;
- Links on social media;
- Documentation;
- FAQ;
- Blog;
- Privacy&Policy;
- Terms&Conditions;
- Version number.