📄️ Create
There are two types of wallets in the system donation,sale or sale token. Each wallet in the system is unique, you cannot create two identical wallets.
📄️ Import
You can import a account wallet in two ways:
📄️ Private key export
You can get the private key of a account or client wallet by selecting the Show private key option and entering all two types of 2FA:
📄️ Mnemonic phrase export
You can get the mnemonic phrase of a account or client wallet by selecting the Show mnemonic phrase option and entering all two types of 2FA:
📄️ Replenish
You can get the QR-code of a account or client wallet by selecting the Replenish option:
📄️ Withdrawal (currency, tokens and NFT)
Here's the Withdrawal page:
📄️ Delete
You can delete a account or client wallet by selecting the Delete option and entering all two types of 2FA: